
padOrganic Cotton Baby Tee
Costa Rica Howlers "55"

Simple lines, neutral colors with a modern design. Goes with everything! Shown with wheat bias skirt available on hemp page.

Your Purchase Matters The Howlers Baby Tee is made by Wildlife Works. Every time you buy a Wildlife Works product, you help build a brighter future for endangered wildlife and their habitats. It's called Consumer Powered Conservationsm - and you make it work.

There are two key issues facing the world's wildlife today: Destruction of habitat by humans, and Poaching by poor, hungry rural people for money or meat. Wildlife Works is addressing both of these issues head on. They use the proceeds from your purchases to protect wildlife by placing large areas of wilderness under conservation, like they did with their Rukinga Sanctuary in Kenya. Of equal importance, they provide jobs for the people who share their land and resources with wildlife, so they can feed their families and send their children to school without destroying animals and their habitats. Remember, Consumer Powered Conservationsm only works because of you, and it works even better when more people get involved. So, help spread the word!

These tops run on the small side.

Small - 2/4 Medium - 6/8 Large - 10/12 XLarge - 14/16

Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days.

Organic Cotton Howler's Baby Tee
122-wwhowlbbteepadRegular price: $28.00padOur Price: $24.99padChoose: